Welcome to Troop 62's Blog! Our Troop is a part of the Mason-Dixon Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Troop 62 is off to Sinoquipe Summer Camp!

Troop 62 headed to Sinoquipe for summer camp on June 24th for a week of fun, hard work and good food!  A total of 35 scouts are attending camp this week!  Two Troop 62 scouts are resident campers for the summer!  33 scouts will be camping for the week!  Of the 33 scouts camping this week, 9 of the scouts are FIRST YEAR CAMPERS!! 4 of our scouts are camping at Sinoquipe for their 7th year in a row!! 

Many THANKS to our dedicated leaders who have taken time off from work to spend the week at camp with our scouts!