Welcome to Troop 62's Blog! Our Troop is a part of the Mason-Dixon Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Troop 62 - Memorial Day Ceremony

Troop 62 participated in the Memorial Day Commemoration at the Smithsburg Veteran's Park on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 2011. The scouts passed out the programs and led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Guest Speaker, Mr. James H. Warner of Rohrersville, MD shared with the group. Mr. Warner was a POW for more than 5 years and has been awarded 2 Purple Hearts as well as a Silver Star along with other awards. The Commemoration concluded with Troop 62's Colton Duvall playing Taps.

Mr. James H. Warner - Guest Speaker
Scouts await the beginning of the commemoration.

Four scouts, Mason, Jared, Colton and Josh Y. participted by playing with the Smithsburg High Band.

Scouts listen as the guest speaker shares.

Troop leaders, Sam Morrison, Doug Leas and Dave Duvall listen to the presentations.

Jakob, LJ, Sammy, Ryan, Josh G, Ian and Kyle along with leaders Darrell Ebersole and Laura Duvall

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Troop 62 held it's May Court of Honor

Troop 62 held it's May Court of Honor on Monday, May 16, 2011.  Congratulations to the following scouts who received advancements in rank.
  • Scout Rank
    • Jakob Bowers
    • Travis Knapp
    • Sammy Morrison
    • Alex Rodenburg
    • Gavin Shubert
  • First Class Rank
    • Ryan Leas
    • Chris Rowan
    • Spencer Rubino
    • Owen Schupp
  • Gold Eagle Palm
    • Josh Yoder
  • Silver Eagle Palm
    • Colton Duvall
The following Scouts received Merit badges:
  • Mason Beck - Personal Fitness
  • Harrison Brown - Disabilities Awareness
  • Austin Lane - Citizenship in the World
Leadership transitions were made during the Court of Honor as well.  Out-going Unit Commissioner, Rob Storer, introduced the Troop's new Unit Commissioner, Gary Little.  Mr. Storer shared the duties of a Unit Commissioner and the Troop gave Mr. Little a warm welcome.

Many thanks to our out going Senior Patrol Leader - Colton Duvall for his leadership for the past year.  Mason Beck was elected the Troop's new Senior Patrol Leader while Josh Yoder and Allen Reynolds were elected as the Assistant Senior Patrol Leaders.

Many THANKS to our out going Scoutmaster, Marty Brown.  After 3 years of leadership as the Scoutmaster, Marty Brown passed the flag/torch onto Darrell Ebersole who will lead Troop 62 as the new Scoutmaster.  Many thanks to Darrell for taking on the enormous task of Scoutmaster.
The Court of Honor closed as Colton Duvall played Taps.

New Senior Patrol Leader - Mason Beck

Carey Leverett, Darrell Ebersole & Marty Brown

Gary Little - Troop 62's New Unit Commissioner along with out going Unit Commissioner Rob Storer


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Cabin Camping @ Sinoquipe

Troop 62 had a fabulous time Cabin Camping at Camp Sinoquipe the weekend of March 28 - 30!