Welcome to Troop 62's Blog! Our Troop is a part of the Mason-Dixon Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Wreath Laying & Visit to Spy Museum

What a beautiful day to celebrate the lives of our military! Troop 62 made a visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Dec. 10, 2011 to lay wreaths at the tombs of our military who made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Wreaths Across America delivers thousands of wreaths to Arlington every December. Many thanks to Wreaths Across America for their service! After the wreath laying, scouts had the opportunity to visit the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, watching the changing of the guard as well as a wreath laying ceremony. Scouts also visited the Challenger and Columbia space shuttle gravesites as well as Pres. John F. Kennedy's. After our visit at Arlington, the Troop hoped on the Metro and headed to the International Spy Muesum. Scouts spent about 2 hours browsing the exhibits and learning about the history of spy tools and famous spys as well as how many of the under cover operations work. Scouts learned how to pick a key lock through a video clip! Fascinating how spys help to protect our country but also have the ability to destroy our country! "Trust no one (spy motto)," except our Troop 62 scouts!! Thanks to the adults who attended!

Our friend, Edna who joined us!
Thanks to the scouts for friending a lady named, Edna in the parking lot of the Metro when we arrived on Saturday morning. Edna was alone and looking for some guidance in getting on the Metro and making her way to Arlington. Our Troop took Edna under our wings and she joined our Troop for the day! Edna even joined us in our trek to the Spy Museum. We were thankful to have Edna along. Many thanks to our Troop for their GOOD TURN!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Troop 62 Sells Christmas Trees

Troop 62 scouts helped the Mason Dixon Council of the BSA to sell Christmas Trees on 12-3-11. Our scouts sold about 15 trees. Scouts helped customers choose their tree, cut the base of the tree in preparation as well as tying them to vehicles or placing them in vehicles. Congratulations to our scouts for serving others!

Scouts Ring the bell for Salvation Army

Many thanks to the scouts who assisted our Charter organization the Chewsville Lions Club in ringing the bell at the mall for the Salvation Army!  We appreciate your volunteerism!  Thanks to:  Jakob, Steven, Allen, Mason, Austin, Dylan, Nick, Kyle, Ian, Zach and the parents who also assisted our scouts.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fall Court of Honor

Troop 62 held there Fall Court of Honor on Monday, November 14, 2011 at the Chewsville Community Center.  Congratulations to the scouts who earned merit badges and those who earned their next rank advancement.  Many thanks to the leaders and parents who give of their time to volunteer in attending events with the scouts.  If it weren't for the many active leaders and parents, Troop 62 would not be able to function!  BIG THANKS to our Scoutmaster for the planning and preparation that goes into each event and meeting.  Special THANKS to the Chewsville Lions Club for the support they give our Troop faithfully.