Welcome to Troop 62's Blog! Our Troop is a part of the Mason-Dixon Council of the Boy Scouts of America.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Trip to the Battleship New Jersey

Our SCOUTS in front of Independence Hall.
Wow!  What a great trip our scouts had visiting Historic Philidelphia and spending time on the Battleship New Jersery!  Our scouts visited on 9-11-10.  Scouts toured Independence Hall and then had time to visit many other historic sites in Philly.  Scouts then headed to the Battleship New Jersey on 9-11-10 for an encampment on the ship!  Scouts enjoyed a flight simulator ride, dinner (cooked mixed veggies, mashed potatoes, meatballs, cookies and juice), a 2 hour guided tour of the ship as well as a snack bar as their late night snack!  Then, it was off to bed.  A few had some difficulty sleeping in the close quarters!  Reville sounded at 7:15 with a flag raising at 8:00.  Then, scouts enjoyed breakfast with scrambled eggs, hash browns, pancakes and OJ!  Some scouts worked on Merit Badges after breakfast and others took the self-guided tour around the ship.  Everyone had a WONDERFUL time! 
Many thanks to the adult leaders and parents who attended!

Our group in front of the BIG GUNS on the Battleship!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nick Petras - Saves a Life

MANY THANKS to Nick Petras, Tenderfoot Scout for saving the life of a fellow classmate at school last week.  During lunch a fellow student began to choke, Nick saw him struggling and went over and began performing the Heimlich Maneuver.  The food was then dislodged and his fellow student began breathing again normally.  Thanks to Nick for seeing a life threatening need and using his Tenderfoot Requirement 12a to SAVE A LIFE!!  Nick is truly a BSA HERO!!
Nick is pictured above at front right in the red shirt
 with his fellow scouts and leaders on a canoe trip this summer.